10 Year Anniversary on 11-11-2011
Posted by Max
On November 11, 2001, Golden Sun was released here in the United States. Within weeks, the online fan community was beginning to thrive, and a plethora of fan sites were born.
I personally got involved in the fan community in December 2001, and it's been a fun ride ever since. Sadly, with the prospects for a fourth game in the series seemingly bleak, I intend to put this site into permanent archive mode. By the end of the month, the forums will be turned off and the site will remain online only as an archive and information resource for any nostalgic players who return to the games and need some guidance.
I want to thank everyone who has been a part of this community, especially those who made this site what it was. Some of the GSS forum regulars have migrated to Facebook, so seek them out there if you are interested in keeping in touch.
I'd like to give a final thank you to Camelot and Nintendo for creating some amazing games, and for being supportive of those of us trying to foster online fan communities.
Silence at E3 Press Conference on 06-07-2011
Posted by Max
This morning Nintendo held its big press conference at the E3 game conference in LA. The focus of the event was the continued promotion of the 3DS handheld console, as well as the reveal of the new WiiU console.
While Nintendo surprised us all two years ago with the reveal of Golden Sun: Dark Dawn at their 2009 E3 press conference, there was no mention of any Camelot or Golden Sun games today.
It is possible that there may be Golden Sun-related news on the show floor, and we will share that information if/when it becomes available. Otherwise, it looks like we have more waiting to do.
Dark Dawn Trivia Contest Closed on 12-13-2010
Posted by Max
After two weeks, the Nintendo Golden Sun: Dark Dawn Fan Trivia Contest is now closed.
The winners will be notified shortly via email, and upon providing a mailing address will have their prizes shipped to them by Nintendo. I'm happy to say that over half of the winning entries came from registered GSSF members. (Note: if any winners are determined to be ineligible, I will send emails to the runners-up; I will post in this forum topic when I have confirmed all ten winners' eligibility).
I want to thank Nintendo of America and their representatives for creating this contest and being so generous with our community.
Dark Dawn Classes Guide on 12-08-2010
Posted by Max
A popular question around the Golden Sun community has been "where can I find a class list for Dark Dawn?" Well, look no further.
Most of the classes remain the same as their GS: TLA versions, although some have had their psynergies tweaked slightly. Four of the new characters (Amiti, Sveta, Eoleo, Himi) have all-new base classes, and Sveta and Himi have additional new secondary classes. The other four characters inherit their parent's base classes.
Again, I'll be taking requests for what pages people would like to see next. I've had a number of requests for more multimedia, so I may address that next. But if you're interested in specific content, let me know and I'll prioritize that.
Website Overhaul on 12-05-2010
Posted by Max
As you might have noticed, I've just launched a revised version of GSS. The design has been widened to better accommodate the content and take advantage of ever-increasing monitor resolutions, and there have been various small design tweaks throughout.
Under the hood, the CMS has been rewritten in preparation for the new content in Dark Dawn, as well as additional content we've added from the original games. A nifty new feature is that most object pages contain name translations; so, for example, if you've ever wanted to know what the Willowisp monster is called in Italian, you can now find out (answer: "Fuoco fatuo").
I've also put up the first few Dark Dawn content pages, including guides for djinn and summons, as well as a complete game encyclopedia reference. Please vote in the comments for what pages you'd like to see next (options include armor/items/weapons, classes, psynergies, enemies, etc.).
If you'd like to contribute content to the site (or find any problems), please email max@goldensun-syndicate.net.
Nintendo Golden Sun: Dark Dawn Fan Trivia Contest on 11-29-2010
Posted by Max
After much teasing, I'm happy to be able to announce the start of the Nintendo Golden Sun: Dark Dawn Fan Trivia Contest.
The first ten people to submit correct answers to the trivia questions will receive a Golden Sun: Dark Dawn Starter Kit, which includes a Nintendo DSi XL, a copy of the Golden Sun: Dark Dawn game, and a case for the DSi XL.
So stop reading this, and go enter the contest (read the rules before submitting)!
Thanks to Nintendo for organizing this contest and being so generous to our community. Site content updates for Dark Dawn will be coming tonight.
Dark Dawn Approaches on 11-28-2010
Posted by Max
Tomorrow is the official release date of Golden Sun: Dark Dawn. To whet your appetite, we have a video of the game's prologue:
Tomorrow morning we will be launching an updated version of this website, including a ton of Dark Dawn content. As mentioned previously, it'll also include updates for some of our content of the original games as well.
The big Nintendo event is also coming soon, so check back regularly for more information on that exciting event!
We'll continue to post new content for Dark Dawn throughout the week, and are always interested in getting you all to help by contributing information and content. Please participate in the Dark Dawn section of our forums, and enjoy the new game!
Nintendo Event & Site Revamp on 11-22-2010
Posted by Max
In true Golden Sun fashion, I've had to delay the announcement original planned for today. Instead, I just have two teasers to share with you:
First, there will be a special Nintendo event coming soon. Unfortunately, I can't share any specific time, but I'd encourage you to check back regularly over the coming few days for more information.
Second, later this week we'll be launching a revamped version of the site. Thanks to the work of Atrius (and others at GS Hacking Community), I've been able to extract much of the GBA games' content directly from the game ROMs. This will supplement and reinforce the hand-gathered content existing on the site, and as a result I've restructured and redesigned many of the pages within the new site. I've also extracted names and descriptions from the various European language version of the games, so you can find handy translations for most of the game content. As with the forums, the site design will grow wider to better accommodate all the new content.
With Dark Dawn coming out next Monday in North America, the revamped site will have a sizable Dark Dawn section with information gleaned from the Japanese version. Once the English game comes out, all the content will be updated with proper English names.
If anyone is interested in writing a walkthrough, please get in touch as I'd love to have a quality walkthrough on our site to join Mike and Jadoku's walkthroughs for the GBA games.
I currently plan to launch the new version of the site later this week, so keep an eye out for it. And be sure to check back regularly before then to catch the exciting Nintendo event!
Update (11/24): I've been informed that the Nintendo event is coming on Monday! So be sure to check back then for that, as well as all of our Dark Dawn launch coverage!
Official Site Updates & More on 11-17-2010
Posted by Max
The official English site for Golden Sun: Dark Dawn has been updated with character information: http://goldensun.nintendo.com/. Click through for full details, but here's the summary:
Party: Matthew (Isaac's son), Tyrell (Garet's son), Karis (Ivan's daughter), Rief (Kraden's apprentice), Sveta, Amiti (possibly Pier's descendent?), Eoleo (Briggs' son), and Himi (daughter of Susa & Kushinada (from Izumo quest in TLA)).
Antagonists: Arcanus (Alex with a mask), Chalis, and Blados.
Isaac and Kraden also make appearances in the list. We know from the trailer that Garet is also in the game, though he is not listed on the official site.
I would also recommend that everyone check the GSS homepage on the morning of Monday, November 22. I'm not yet allowed to say why, but I assure you it will be worthwhile (and time-sensitive).
Finally, there will likely be a few hours of downtime this weekend as the GSS forums and website are upgraded.
Revitalization approaches on 11-10-2010
Posted by Max
For years, forum members here at Golden Sun Syndicate asked me how long the site would remain online. For years, we all believed that there would never be another Golden Sun game, and yet I insisted that I would keep the site online for as long as people still used the forums.
Now, with the North America release of Dark Dawn less than three weeks away, I'm happy to announce that the site will be seeing a series of revitalization efforts over the weeks up to and after launch.
We've had a number of people answer my call for help, and I'm excited about a big announcement coming very soon. We will also be updating the forum software and site design, and will be fleshing out our Dark Dawn content in advance of the launch.
Stay tuned for some exciting news over the coming days and weeks!
Update (November 11): Today marks the 9th year anniversary of the release of the first Golden Sun game!
Seeking new Webmaster on 09-15-2010
Posted by Max
After expressing concern to the forum moderator team about my ability to keep this site online (especially given the new game coming soon), they wanted me to open things to the wider community:
If one or more persons cannot step forward to take over webmaster duties for the site in the next month, then I may be forced to shut it down. Duties include creating new game coverage content, posting news, adding new pages to the site, and leveraging the community for content.
If someone steps forward to take over management of the site, I do not mind continuing to pay for the hosting and provide occasional support. But I do not have the time to do all of this myself and I do not wish to leave an outdated website and floundering community online when the new game comes out.
Please help me keep one of the oldest Golden Sun fansites alive, I cannot do it alone.
Coming to Japan October 28 on 09-02-2010
Posted by Max
Hot on the tail of the North America release date release, the official Japanese website has updated and shows that Golden Sun: Dark Dawn will be released in Japan on October 28 at a price of 4800 yen.